Friday, October 16, 2015

Episode 3, Season Hrair: Water Ghosties

People want oil. The oil is under a lot of water. There's a Faraday cage that the ghosts can't get into. (There's ghosts.) There's also a nuclear reactor.

There's a spaceship. Did it crash? Dunno.

Ghosts are getting scary. The Doctor finally thinks they're ghosts. Someone must have died. That guy is a sign language interpreter. Does she bring him everywhere? She can read lips, which helps because ghosts almost killed her interpreter. THAT would have sucked.

Someone else died. There's writing on the wall. It's Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. No, wait, that's what fixes earworms. The Doctor is talking about earworms.

They caught some ghosts. The ghosts are messing with the day/night cycle. They found the suspended animation chamber. Is the pilot in there? I don't think we found out.

Clara (is that her name? She's not Rose) reads the ghost's lips. They're saying something about Orion's Sword and a Foundation and a Temple and the Doctor says it's space Google Maps or something.

Doctor time travels to fix everything and then he's a ghostie, and WHOOPS THAT'S THE END TO BE CONTINUED wow, my kids are pissed.

Episode 1, Season... Hrair: Disc Thingy

So no one can find the Doctor. And people are looking for him. Someone who is probably human and isn't Rose would like to find him. Someone scary who is apparently a Time Lady also wants to find him so she freezes planes. She has a disc that means the Doctor thinks he's about to die.

Then there's the doctor, and he's surprisingly old. But he's playing a guitar in gladiatorial combat.

Then Davros shows up (isn't he the Onion Knight?) and there's a kid in a field full of hands (hand minds, not land mines, get it?) and I think the Doctor feels really guilty about that kid. Who is that kid? "Davros made the Daleks... but who made Davros?" Maybe it has to do with that kid.

So there's this disc, and the human woman is saying a lot of WTF, Doctor, what's with the disc, and why am I not your best friend in the whole of the world?

And then they win or something and it's all okay.